Quick Notes

Tagging, flagging, linking and follow up

With a Quick Note, at its root an electronic 'sticky-note', its easy to highlight, or request input from colleagues to, just about any document within tmXsuite be it an email, sales enquiry, purchase order, stock request or invoice.

But tmXsuite Quick Notes offer far more than a convenient link to content, allowing you to schedule follow ups, tag your tasks into activity-centric groups, prioritise and delegate..

Organise, Inform

Manage your work

Communicate with your team

Celebrate success

Chris Pope covers the use of the tmXsuite Quick Notes Manager in three short videos

Getting Started

An introduction to the Quick Notes Manager and the basic tools required for managing your outstanding quick note actions.

Getting Started

Tagging & Simple Filtering

System and custom tagging within tmXsuite Quick Notes Manager and how to apply basic filters to collate associated tasks.

Tagging & Simple Filtering

Advanced Filtering & Hot Lists

Drilling down on the important tasks with multiple filters and hot lists.

Advanced Filtering & Hot Lists